Thursday, May 7, 2009


This represents me, because, not only is it completely in my style of art, but represents my life. A lot of the time something bad would happen, but then luckily things turn out okay. I also have a very optimistic view of the world. The piece also represents me because I am very much an entertainer. Most of my projects are funny or cute. I like making people laugh. Plus, I love ice cream!

Poem Visualization

I illustrated all of images in my project on Adobe Illustrator using a pen pad. I did not have any read trouble with it. If anything, I thought I made the refrigerator a little sloppily. All in all, I was happy about the way my illustrator drawings came out. I am proud of my final result.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Project #3: Handmade Book [Poem Visualization]

Bear In There by Shel Silverstein
There's a Polar Bear
In our Frigidaire--
He likes it 'cause it's cold in there.
With his seat in the meat
And his face in the fish
And his big hairy paws
In the buttery dish,
He's nibbling the noodles,
He's munching the rice,
He's slurping the soda,
He's licking the ice.
And he lets out a roar
If you open the door.
And it gives me a scare
To know he's in there--
That Polary Bear
In our Fridgitydaire.

I was thinking of making a little refridgerator and freezer door that sticks to the wall and opens. Behind the door would be the polar bear making a mess and in the freezer would be the poem.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Prj 2: Self-Portrait

I am really into storytelling, so I thought I'd do a short comic strip-like short story. I always thought I was a lucky person and I stumbled into success a lot of the time, so I made a short narrative about one of my sewn characters walking down the street and slipping on a banana peel but landing in a big vat of free ice cream. I planned to use the computer for my background images on Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, then do the character in actual felt full of cotton. I planned to sew up the character with yarn and glue/sew the character onto the background.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Artists and their Portraiture

Cui Xiuwen
Cui Xiuwen's portraiture has a very sad, gloomy mood to them. This woman seems very virginal and innocent, yet her breasts and pregnant belly can be easily seen through her thin white dress. When I look at this piece, I get this sort of lonely feeling. The far stretching city landscape behind her very dominating figure makes me think as if even while this poor girl is suffering, life is still going on. No one cares. Yet she seems as if she doesn't care. She looks scared, but she is not crying out for help. She has accepted the fact that help will never come, and that is what makes the female portrayal in Xiuwen's work very strong. This female does not need help, but she is not afraid to show her feelings of fear and dejection.
Cindy ShermanCindy Sherman sometimes takes very eerie, disturbing photographs. Her figures are very dominant in her portraits and are always very closely cropped. The women in some these photographs (like the above) are very strong, yet dangerously so. They look very menicing and horrifying, much like snapshots of old horror films like Psycho or Excorcist. However, some (like below) are very photographs full of fear and drama. It makes you wonder what is going to happen after this photo is taken, either way you know it will not be good. Her portraits are always very dark, yet the lights used are very warm like yellow and orange. All of her portraits are of women (mostly herself). She uses very dominant figures, yet it seems like they are either being attacked or are the attackers.
Frida Kahlo
Frida does many self portraits of herself. She exaggerates her unibrow and makes it very dominating on her face. She seems like she wants to paint her face, displaying all of her flaws with pride. The large unibrow she creates makes her look very austere and powerful. She does very zoomed up portraits of her face, rarely showing below her waist. Her portrayal of women is very domniating, yet she portrays herself very naturally. She has facial hair. She doesnt deny it. She celebrates it. She portays herself as a woman with little fears.

Final Thoughts
Cui Xiuwen, Cindy Sherman, and Frida Kahlo are very different as artists. They're styles are completely different. Cui Sherman takes very bold, yet simply taken portraits of young women. To me, she portrays that sexuality can be freeing and enslaving all at once. She shows the confusion and loneliness of adolescence. Cindy Sherman, on ther other hand, takes very dark, shiver-enducing photographs. They always are taken with dramatic lighting and make-up.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Original Photo for Film Still Illustration

Examples of Film Still Illustrations

Gregory Crewdson's art is very dark and ominous. I found it interesting though the detail that he displays in his photographs. They're very real. He takes pictures of time in between events. It looks like this one he is capturing a moment right before a women commits suicide. She bears her despair on her face and her body language. This is the crucial moment where the woman decides to do it. To take the ultimate step to end her life.

Jeff Wall takes photos of many industrial type sites. Judging by his photographs, he likes to mix organic textures with artificial structures or objects. He also takes very mild photos. They are all very simple and there is no obvious story. Some of them lack drama. Although i did like this photograph. It makes you wonder what series of events had occurred to create this mess.

I enjoyed Teun Hocks's work a lot. His photographs are very humorous and cartoon-like, which is similar to the kind of art work I create. He creates situations that, as impossible as they are, are very real life problems that we all have experienced and are able to laugh at in these photos.

Cindy Sherman photographs herself in all of her photos. She dresses herself up in different outfits and creates different personas of herself. I think she does it, because she enjoys recreating different alter egos and being a completely different person for a moment. Her photographs are very close-cropped and basically only show her figure, and small peices of her surroundings. I find her work very interesting, but they have that uncomfortable feel to them that makes a viewer squirm a little.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009